Alchema – the Best Option

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With the new and improved technology available in the world, one can never have too much of these innovative machines and applications. Alchema allows you to homebrew the flavor of hard craft cider of your own choice and according to your taste.

The options are unlimited for you when it comes to the ultimate option of choosing Alchema. The Alchema simplifies your home brewing techniques. By using this, you have the authority to craft cider or mead in 2 weeks of time.

How does it Work? :

There are 3 easy steps linked to the use of Alchema:

1.     Choose a Recipe:

Choose your favorite recipe by browsing through the online Alchema application to gather all the required data on the recipe. Collect the ingredients in order to start, for instance, fruit, sugar and water.

2.     Add Ingredients:

With the use of the online application, you can know which yeast and the amount of yeast that is required to be added in the recipe, other than the other essential ingredients. Through the app, Alchema would let you know when the quantity of ingredients is enough.

3.     Add your packet of yeast:

It is well-known that yeast is vital for the fermentation process, and thus, the recipe would allow you to know which of the yeasts would go best with the kind of cider that you want to make.

Different from Traditional Home brewing:

This is one of the most appreciated aspects of the Alchema that the consumers and potential homebrew beginners love and that is the difference of the home brewing process using Alchema from that of the traditional home brewing process. Usually 85 percent of the potential homebrew beginners fail in their first attempt because of the contamination, which is responsible for causing bad taste.

However, Alchema is prepared with a medical grade, i.e. the UV-C LED light, which disinfects and cleanses the container before you begin the fermentation process. Furthermore, the online Alchema application allows you to efficiently observe all of the aspects of the fermentation process for a proficient performance. This observation eliminates the cause of potential contamination.


Coming to the conclusion, the beginners should know that one batch of cider usually takes almost 1 to 2 weeks to ferment completely, which depends on the fruit and the recipe that you are using.