Nope 2.0 Webcam Cover

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

As much as it has become important to use technologies for different purposes, it is also important that you know how to make use of such technologies. Making use does not only imply that you read up on the manual of your device or gadget and get started. Other than just getting started there is another thing that you need to care for and that is- to end it well.

Ending what and how? Well, this is exclusively related to devices with digital cameras. Ending your conversation or your work on your device means after finishing your work, you will not be available. But, when you are not physically available there are chances that someone else might be available at your place by hacking your device. This is why it has been advised that whenever you are not availing your mobile, laptop or tablet make sure you cover your webcam because otherwise the hacker hacking your device can turn it on without the awareness of the owner of the device. So, end it by covering it with a webcam cover.

Why not use a tape? What does a webcam cover have to offer that a tape does not?

The Nope 2.0 simple and magnetic webcam cover offers privacy with assurance. Using a tape to cover your camera is neither long-lasting nor effective because:

  • As time passes, tape loses its stickiness and falls. At times you do not even notice and when you do you need to replace it with a new one.
  • Tape leaves a sticky residue over the camera that can affect the visual quality of it.
  • If you take your device with you in public, a tape covering your camera will not look good and professional.

To reiterate, in order to look sophisticated and tidy, you should use a webcam cover. Nope 2.0 is easy to install and use. All you need to do is that you need to lift the tab, peel it and stick it. Additionally, the cover has two magnets that create a living hinge allowing smooth opening and closing of the cover. The webcam cover is really thin: when it is covering your camera it doesn’t look bad and also it lets your device close easily without causing any hindrance.

So, hurry up and buy this cover so that you can technically and aesthetically protect your camera from being used without your permission.