The Backcountry Hut Company

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An enterprise established to assist companies and individuals in designing and constructing reasonably priced luxury residences and outdoor infrastructure meant for recreation, the Backcountry Hut Company promises to offer a cost-effective solution to housing. These structures boast the following characteristics: pre-fabrication; ease in assembly; modular/scalable; minimal site work; and mass customization. Private individuals have shown great interest in luxury modules in locations void of road and vehicle access.

The prefabricated shell is fitted with an interior that is compatible with full-time residential occupation. The financial and material resources used in the prefabrication are used economically as the Backcountry Hut Company follows a zero-waste philosophy in the design and implementation of products. While creating a scalable typology, the building shell serves as a shelter for domestic life; thereby allowing the residents to customize the interior as and when required.

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