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Longboarding is a hobby enjoyed by many people throughout the world. While most people rely on a MP3 player or phone to give them there dose of music while they travel the MUZE takes both of these and combines them into one product. The MUZE is a traditional longboard with a built in radio receiver and Bluetooth speaker.

Product Description

The MUZE combines the best features of a longboard with a built in radio and Bluetooth speaker. However, it doesn’t stop there. The MUZE also has the added feature of volume control related to relative speed of the longboard in addition to allowing the user to let the MUZE change the music selection with the environment that it passes. For example it can play a classical music station while in a museum and change to a more upbeat music station while riding around town.

Does it work?

Listening to music while you ride is nothing new for many people that longboard; from college campuses, to during daily trips around a city you see long boarders listening to their smartphones or MP3 players as they cruise from point A to point B. With the MUZE it combines these two activities allowing you to listen to music while you ride. Combine this with the ability to have the type of music change to the environment adds an extra flair to your longboarding experience. However, currently the MUZE only plays radio stations meaning that depending on your location you may not have as much of a variety of music as you might find with a smartphone or MP3 player. While this may be an issue for some people it can offer an unique experience that changes with your setting.


Overall the MUZE is an interesting idea but certain limitations diminish the target market. For anyone looking for a longboard that plays various radio stations and can change station depending on the environment and has a volume control that works in relation to your speed this is a perfect product. However, this is a very niche market. Even for people who enjoy longboarding this may not be something you would be interested in. Additionally as the current version of MUZE has a Bluetooth speaker and doesn’t support headphones you may quickly find yourself a nuisance to the people around you. With everything said and done the MUZE is a unique take on longboarding, however, it does currently have its product limitations.