Moon Ray

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The Moon Ray desktop 3 D printer is ready to change your world. The Moon Ray 3D printer has taken 3 D printing technology up a notch and made it affordable. 3D printers typically are either out of price range because they are so good or they are so bad and affordable.

The Moon Ray is so good and so affordable. Using the latest technology and making it affordable to fit nicely in anyone’s price range was the ultimate goal of designers. The Moon Ray has some uniquely engineered features that makes it a real stand out.

The Moon Ray can print features as fine as 100 microns. This highly accurate printer is the ideal tool for artists, businesses, designers and anyone that wants to try their hand at 3D printing.

Superior Engineering


The Moon Ray was well thought out and has superior engineering features that you will not find with other 3 D printers. UV light is needed to effectively cure the resin that is used in 3 D printing. Most printers use a projection light source that is not true UV light. Moon Ray uses a UV light to cure the resin making it far superior.

The light used is adjusted for the perfect spectrum. It runs cool so there is no chance of overheating. It runs quieter than other machines and throws off less heat. The light source in the Moon Ray has a 50,000 hour life span so changing out bulbs is not necessary.

The end result with the Moon Ray is superior because of the engineering. The speed is also enhanced. The Moon Ray prints at 1 inch per hour.

Cost Effectiveness

3D printers are expensive but not the Moon Ray. Dollar for dollar the Moon Ray is an affordable option for anyone that wants to be able to have all the benefits that a 3D printer offers. This type of desk top printer offers the ability to create just about anything your imagination will allow. It is easy to use, convenient and well built. It can enhance all of your projects.

The Moon Ray puts you right in the driver seat. It is a great machine that will change the way people look at 3D printing. In the next decade the Moon Ray will be the desk top printer that is found in more business and industry than any other desk top printer with 3 D capabilities. It is that good.
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