Lift Foils

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Lift eFoil is an electric flying surfboard that includes cutting edge hydrofoil technology, the gadget glides across the water’s surface similar to a flat surfboard held in the air with the help of a stick. The device can be assembled or disassembled with seamless ease; thereby allowing easy portability. If you do not live near a beach, then there is some good news for you: you can use eFoil practically on any body of water that is large enough to hold it. Powered by an electric motor, the gizmo lets you control your flight using its high-end hand controller that is waterproof and equipped with wireless Bluetooth functionality.


eFoil is operated with a customized Lithium battery that enables its usage over water in a safe and reliable manner. The electric surfboard is created with mind-blowing accuracy with the help of the finest quality of raw material available on the market. The carbon fiber and Kevlar based hydrofoil motor is formidable and ensures top quality surfing experience against the unyielding flow of water. The surfboard has gone through rigorous testing and analysis to ensure that it is able to take the stress off the rider. Even if you have no prior surfing experience, this wonderful contraption will let you take off over the water in a few fleeting moments.

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