Ortega Submersible specialize in conjuring the world’s safest and most reliable submersible boats to make your dreams of viewing the marine life from up close, come true. The Mk. 1B is a two seater vehicle that is fitted with a couple of high powered motors and comes with a trimming tank, an integrated breathing paraphernalia and HUD navigation display. The vessels are also loaded with magnetometers, SONAR, FLIR and an additional payload capacity of up to 450 liters. The boat has the ability to dive as deep as 95 meters into the ocean. The Mk. 1C, on the other hand, accommodates three personnel and promises to offer an operating range of about 120 nautical miles. It boasts a top speed of 10.4mph above the water’s surface and that of 12.7mph below it.
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The 3D SONAR system is based on state of the art technology that lets the vessel operate even in zero visibility conditions.
In addition, a couple of IR cameras located on the nose of the vessel provide a real time video streaming to the riders present in the cockpit. You may contact the company directly via the information provided on the website.