Dualo: The New Musical Instrument has been created to create a wonderful musical experience with a stand alone instrument. The musical instrument has been created to play and compose wherever you like.
Dualo brings the du-touch to render a good and complete instrument of the generation. Dualo works to widen the community to bring it to a brand new level. Our main aim is to help you with the overall process of making music and we love to bring to you an instrument that will last a good amount of time.
The main benefits of Dualo include:
It is intuitive: Dualo has been created with an amazing revolutionary design that gives you important and easy access to good settings. We compose your own tunes and we bring live, on the spot jams for you.
Connected And Scalable:
We are a community of musicians and we have adopted an initial model to help you improve the instrument. We also bring to you new and regular updates to get new features.
You can use the app for the following:
Create tunes from nothing: You can use this to represent the new generation in playability and mobility
You can also use it to create a sound, personalize it and then add effects
You can use it to play rhythms, melodies, chords and loop them
You can use it to play with your own samples, motion sensors and then help them change
You can use it to share your own creations
The idea behind Dualo is that it was developed by a musician and mathematician who wanted a decent prototype at his table. They have had a very well working team of 10 enthusiasts who develop the app. We bring to you the latest app that has been created to help with your musical needs.
The du-touch is delivered with indispensable accessories. It comes with the following:
A micro-usb cable
Internationally compatible plug
The du-station software
Du-belt to play while standing up and dualo t-shirt
The dualo- has been built for everybody to access it. Even if there is no musical background, it has been designed in a completely intuitive way. We want to give you the best of tools but we also provide you with a good way to improve your different forms.
Generally, the whole idea is to provide you with instruments and feel as if you can simply record different loops. We provide you with many different levels such as developing an important technique and sounding pieces.
Dualo has been revolutionized to play an instrument- it has been created to improve accessibility, mobility and playability. The music has evolved and with it comes the possibility to compose and mix the computer online. We share your music online and we learn to help you work on your design and develop your design well. If you are a beginner, it wont be too long for you get used to it and play your favorite music right.