Jyrobike: Let Your Kids Learn to Balance a Bike Without Any Fear of Falling?

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Jyrobike is the answer to the anxiety of parents who watch their kids learn to ride a bike for the first time. It’s not just parents who are anxious; kids too are almost always scared of falling down. There are some kids, although rare, who never learn how to ride a bike simply because of that fear they had the first time they tried to ride a bike and possibly fell down.

Jyrobike is an auto-balanced bike. Kids who learn to ride a bike often don’t have the practice of being stable and riding while being in an upright manner. All bikes are designed to stay upright if the rider is stable and balances his or her bodyweight. Jyrobike doesn’t require kids to master the art or science of balancing from the very first day. The auto balance feature would keep the rider upright, stable and a child would learn to ride and balance a bike faster than usual.


Jyrobike features a control hub which is integrated to the front wheel, although it can be removed. The control hub is similar to gyroscopes and flywheels. The control hub has a disc that rotates at a high speed even when the bike is actually at a low speed. The high spinning disc allows the wheel to balance itself since wheels are balanced when they are at high speeds and they wobble as the speed reduces and eventually wheels fall once the speed is below the threshold of keeping it balanced and spinning. The gyroscopic force of the spinning disc in the front wheel will keep the bike balanced. Also, it helps the rider to steer more efficiently.

Now, does the Jyrobike appeal to all and sundry or is it only meant for those parents who are absolutely terrified of having their kids learn how to balance a bike? The truth is that kids should not have trouble balancing a bike after a few practice sessions and some falls. Besides, one can always have balancing wheels which are much cheaper and have been proven to work wonderfully well. Also, one fails to understand what stops a kid from falling from the bike even if the Jyrobike itself manages to stay balanced. How would it prevent a child from simply falling over because the child is not balanced on the seat? Balancing a bike is as much about gyroscopic force as it is about balancing one’s own body. How does a child learn that with the Jyrobike, especially when the child is finding it difficult to balance to begin with?
