Testing the alcohol levels in your blood is very important, especially when you want to drive since drunk driving can bring you lots of trouble and even cause accidents, and that’s why having a way to check the alcohol levels in your blood is very useful.
Breathometer is a company that knows about the troubles that drunk driving brings and it comes with a neat solution in the form of Breeze, which allows you to measure the blood alcohol content. All you need to do in order to use it is to plug the device into the smartphone plug and find out the results. Breeze is based on a previous device created by the company, but it does manage to bring a few steps forward in the form of a dedicated application for iOS and Android, as well as an external hardware. Alongside that, it brings an updated design that makes the whole device a lot easier to spot and use.
The previous device was plugged into the phone jack, but Breeze now brings a much needed Bluetooth connection which makes the whole connectivity easier to perform, something that indeed is needed in such a situation.
Even the mobile application comes with some built-in features, one of the most impressive being the fact that you can opt for a ride at any given time without hassle. You can even access the option to call a cab or a friend if needed.
The application even provides you with food options that allow you to stay sober during the night, a neat addition to an already spectacular set of features.
What we like about the app is that it even manages to perform readings such as dehydration or halitosis for example. And as it that wasn’t enough, the app also integrates seamlessly with the health kit of your desired device in order to ensure that you remain healthy.
Breeze manages to bring one of the most interesting functionalities from a gadget, yet it is a device that would be amazing for many people that do need it. Staying sober is essential if you want to drive, and the app does bring one of the best possible functionalities you can find in this regard.
You can purchase the device right now and you will receive it starting with November 1. The Breeze device costs around 99$ but in our opinion is a great investment!