Biolite Baselantern – Light Up Your World

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The BioLite BaseLantern is the first connected flatpack lantern of the world. A bright light that has smart control options and can be used to charge other devices.  This amazing gadget allows you to travel without the need to constantly charge it.

The BioLite BaseLantern is basically an LED lantern that can be completely customized using a smartphone application. It is extremely easy and convenient to pack due to its slim design. Apart from that, it comes with a 7,800 mAh or 12000 mAh battery, which is rechargeable and can be used up to 54 hours on low settings, or can be used for 6 hours on maximum brightness. Note: As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Biolite Baselantern Features:

The best element about this gadget is that you can charge it via micro-USB cable and control it via Bluetooth. BioLite Baselantern is supported by two stainless steel folding legs. This incredible device allows you to charge other electronic devices. You can also use the mini smart grid on your smartphone in order to make use of the features like the full-color control, real-time energy analytics, proximity activation, and many more. The main features of the BioLite BaseLantern are as follows:

  • Battery life: 54 hours @ low settings
  • Bright LED: 500 Lumens
  • Full-spectrum of colors available
  • Alarms/Timers
  • Battery feedback
  • Power bank option
  • Control it via Bluetooth

The LED light of this gadget is 500 Lumen which is enough to illuminate larger areas, allowing you to extend the light around your site for a better and clearer view. It comes with an internal battery which also serves as a portable power bank that can be used to charge tabs, smartphones, and many other devices. Apart from all these fabulous features, the BioLite BaseLantern can also be utilized for any sort of off-grid situation, for instance, for camping, festivals, picnics, visit the beaches, hunting, boating, and so on.

On the other hand, you can use a custom low energy application to connect with the BioLite BaseLantern in order to transfer it into your own miniature smart-grid. All of this is possible with your phone via Bluetooth.

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