Riderwood is the name behind the Speed Wood brand cycles and sleds which are handcrafted environment-friendly bikes and consist of a small carbon fiber footprint. The design incorporates sound engineering that allows formidable vibration absorption and strength. The bikes come with inbuilt automatic gears and all the models come with lifetime warranty on the wooden frame. Other components have a one-year warranty while the bikes are light in weight in contrast to other wood-based bikes as they weight around 12 to 14 Kg. Bikes are handcrafted and are adorned with finished birchwood in addition to being waterproof. During construction, the bike goes through rigorous stress testing.
The use of plywood lends solidity to the frame while the versatile wooden frame is weather resistant. The three models available for sale include the Leopard, Lynx and Panther. Each of the models is designed in accordance with the animal after which it is named. Customers are also offered test drives while the bicycles can be purchased from Niels Albert Bike Store, online or in store. They can also be bought directly from Riderwood.