Climbing isn’t just a sport. Considering it an adventure sport or just a passion would be premature. Climbing, especially the more dangerous or notorious peaks, is a mission. And it is often a mission impossible. To conquer a peak, one has to brave many odds and one has to be ready to face myriad types of insurmountable challenges. While storms can be predicted and flash flooding can also be preempted to an extent, what matters more is how well prepped you are to face these dire circumstances. How do you prep yourself to face an avalanche?
Apex Avalanche Survival Backpack is one kit that every climber should carry. Mountain climbing calls for many equipments, tools and different kinds of backpacks. One possibly cannot carry every possible item that is deemed desirable so what one should do is carry everything that is necessary.
The Apex Avalanche Survival Backpack can be the difference between life and death. 150 people die from avalanches every year and most of them are rescued in the first 18 minutes of being trapped or buried. The survival rate drops to 34% when a person remains buried for more than twenty minutes. Considering the fact that nine times out of ten an avalanche is triggered by human error or intervention, you should carry an Avalanche survival pack.
Not only is this pack useful for climbers, it is also recommended for snowboarders and skiers. The backpack comes with an air bag system, it is sleek and ergonomic for comfort and portability, there is substantial space for water and food, there’s a shovel and handle and you can place a knife inside the shovel and carry a flashlight, the aluminum buckles ensure that the backpack fits you perfectly so your activities and efficiency aren’t affected.
The air bag system in the backpack is unique. It is designed to save you from impact and it can allow you to float on top of the snow in case of an avalanche. The deployment of the air bags is simple. You just need to pull the handle on the right strap. The air bags would get deployed covering your back and the sides. With the air bags deployed, you can brace for impact without fracturing your bones or getting hurt gravely and you can ride the avalanche by the virtue of the air bags keeping you on top, thus averting a scenario of you getting buried. From the shovel to food and water, the backpack is indeed the key to survive.