A Cooler Scooter

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Childhood memories are the most treasurable.  And that what is treasurable, brings with it the desire to be re-lived. Re-living is important for revitalizing oneself. In addition to re-living your childhood, you can do stuff that you once used to do. Things you can do are, playing and involving in playful activities like cycling, skating or even kick scooting.

Kick scooting is the most liked vehicle that can be even given to young children, as young as the age of five or six. Kick scooter, unlike skating and cycling, is easy enough to be handled and understood by kids. Kick scooter is safe and is entirely based on human-power. The name kick scooter is given to it because it requires a kick to start off and a kick at every interval for it to continue moving.

Kick scooter has a very interesting history that involves earlier models marking the beginning of kick scooters. The models are as following:

Early Scooters

The set of early scooters were handmade. These handmade scooters were made in the urban industrial areas. One of the basic and common version of the early models was a one that had set of roller skates attached to a board with a handle made of any material that could be easily revolve; usually an old box. The exterior of the early scooters were normally made out of wood.

Folding Scooters

These scooters were a modification of the early models where the scooters were made of aluminum with skate wheels lined inwards. The additional feature of the folding scooters was that it could be folded. This characteristic made it portable and a usable vehicle for adults and a popular play toy for the kids.

A cooler Scooter

There have been many modifications done to the basic scooter by adding or eliminating one characteristic of the basic model. The most recent is the cooler scooter that permits adults to enjoy the ride like the young ones do. The scooter is big in size to fit the measurement of varying size adults. It also includes an electric motor that can take you on long distances and can be used as an alternative to cars. The highlighted features that this cooler scooter offers are:

  • Production of supplemental energy from the first wheel that acts as a generator for the electric motor to function
  • A three-wheeled stability
  • Lastly, it is stylish and adjustable according to the varying heights of the individual using it.

A cooler scooter is the most recent and up-to-date version of scooters that can help you fully enjoy your childhood scooting memories.
